FAQ & Shipping


How Are My Items Shipped?

99% of our items are shipped using: USPS. On occasion we will use DHL, UPS or even FedEx.

Most items ship out within 1-3 business days.

Depending on whether your item is shipped from our in-house stock, or if it ships direct from our manufacturer, or fulfillment warehouse, shipping times may vary. ESTIMATED delivery time is 5-15 business days to arrive (most arrive quicker than that, and if it's known that an item will take longer than stated, it will be clearly marked in the item description).


If you need an item by a specific date, for a gift, for going on a trip, or you just simply want it faster... We'll be happy to see if we can accommodate.

Simply send us an email to Jim@BoardwalkBooks.net BEFORE ordering to see if your chosen item is available for expedited shipping. If it is, we'll let you know if there is any additional cost to expedite, and we'll connect you up with the fast shipping you want.

What if I already placed an order? Can I still upgrade to faster shipping?

Depends. If you call or email us as quickly as possible, and if we can catch it BEFORE it ships out, then we can still upgrade you. But once we ship the item, there is no way to speed it up.

Will I Receive Tracking Numbers For My Order?

Yes. Tracking numbers can be provided upon request based on order type.


Please note that import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are ultimately the buyer's responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of customs duties.

Items being shipped to Canada and abroad can sometimes get held up in customs, and can take anywhere from 15-45 business days to arrive. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to speed up delivery of international shipments because of the process of the shipping carriers. If you would like to inquire about upgrading your order for faster shipping, you must email Jim@BoardwalkBooks.net BEFORE placing your order and we can let you know if expedited shipping is available to your area (and what the upcharge would be).


The term "Compare at" means the price at which an item, or comparable item may, in the reasonable judgment of our experienced buyers, be sold on an everyday basis. (i.e. excluding special promotions or sales) at retail stores.... You may wish to use the "Compare at" price as a guide in your evaluation of our prices. Because we sell our merchandise over the internet on a national basis, and because some of the items offered are closeouts, overstocks, factory-direct liquidations, end-of-season or otherwise remainder inventory, it is not possible to know if our merchandise is sold at the "Compare at" price in any particular location or at any particular time. Comparative prices may be used as an approximate guide as to what you would or could have paid elsewhere. Unless our price tags state otherwise, www.thecowsgomoo.com makes no representation that any of the items we sell were ever offered for sale in our stores at the “compare at” price, or that the products are currently being offered for sale or were recently offered for sale in any retail store, or online, at the “compare at” price.


What Type Of Shirts Do You Print On?

We print on the finest, softest, comfiest tees... Bella & Canvas is our main supplier of all tagless t-shirts. 

How are your shirts printed?

We use direct-to-garment or DTG printing for most of our apparel products. It’s like using a regular printer, but on garments. Designs are printed directly onto the garment and absorbed into the fabric.

DTG printing yields quality prints, it's cost-effective for one-off orders, and there's almost no limit to the colors and fine detail you can use in your designs.

DTG inks are eco-friendly, CPSIA-compliant, non-toxic, non-hazardous, and soluble in water. They're free from heavy metals, formaldehyde, and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APE).

I made a mistake on my order (address, size, etc)... can I change it?

If this happens to you, just email us at Jim@BoardwalkBooks.net  as soon as you canand we MIGHT be able care of it. However, we can't make any promises. If we catch it BEFORE it ships we can make changes. But please make every effort to ensure you order correctly. Once an order has been shipped, you are responsible for the way the order was placed, and at that point there's nothing we can do to change the order. If your order has already been shipped, wait for it to arrive and follow our return policies to exchange for a new item (additional fees may apply)


How Are The Cases Made?

UV printing is used to customize phone cases. With this process, graphics are printed onto the case. The ink is cured with UV light as soon as it comes in contact with the case, which polymerizes it and forms a hard coating.


How Are The Images Applied?

For some products, we use printing techniques specifically suited for each product, for example, sticker, canvas and poster, and postcard printing, so your designs are seamlessly transferred onto the product and look as beautiful as you intended them to be.

The sublimation technique is done on ready-made blank products. We use it for some accessories and home & living items.

Graphics are printed on sublimation paper with specialty inks. Each product is wrapped with the printed paper and goes in the heat press, where ink turns to gas and gets absorbed in the fabric.

We use a specific mug sublimation technique for mugs. The paper is wrapped around the mug and placed in an oven or conveyor. Then the inks turn to gas and are absorbed into the polymer coating of the mug.

To personalize jewelry and keychains we use a diamond tool for mechanical engraving. This method offers great precision and attention to detail which is necessary for smaller products like jewelry.

We use the cut & sew technique for our all-over print products—apparel, accessories, and home & living items. All-over print products are made in two steps:

  • Sublimation printing: Graphics are printed onto sublimation paper using specialty inks. Fabric is placed between two sheets of sublimation paper and goes through a heat press. The heat then transforms the sublimation ink into a gas that gets absorbed into the fabric. This ensures a consistent and vibrant all-over print that covers the whole product..
  • Cut & sew: After a graphic is printed onto the fabric, the shape of the garment is precision-cut and hand-sewn with industrial sewing machines. This gives the product a durable construction.

Embroidery is a technique where your design is embroidered on a product. It’s great for finer details, also logos and texts. We do embroidery on hats, apparel, bags, and home & living items 

We professionally digitize all embroidery graphics by converting your design graphic into a stitch file that the embroidery machine can process.

We use three main types of embroidery: 

  • Flat embroidery—the thread is embroidered flat onto the product
  • 3D puff—a foam insert gives the embroidery a raised look
  • Partial 3D puff—a combination of flat and 3D embroidery